Practical policy allows password to be revealed in the local church bulletin or other convenient online locations. The bulletin for the congregation of God is the Holy Scriptures. The password for this cybercast can be found in that bulletin. Please grab an English translation of our bulletin, the bible, and enter any word found in Acts 4:20 in the password box above. If any particular word does not work please try another.
If you do not have a hard copy of our bulletin you can find a free electronic copy at
The web master of this site does sympathize with the some who will not enter a site that requires a password. If that applies to you and you want to hear the scriptures expounded by a United Church of God, an International Association (UCG) minister please visit the web site at The live cybercasts from the international association headquarters site of UCG.ORG do not require a password.
Equivalent messages can be heard at either live cybercast site. All elders in the United Church of God - Spokane congregation are credentialed by the United Church of God, an International Association. All Spokane cybercast speakers are approved and scheduled by the local elders. Cybercast speakers at the international headquarters are approved by elders in the headquarters administration. For more information please visit the web site.
This is not an official Web site of the United Church of God, an International Association ("UCGIA"). The only official UCGIA Web site is, or one of the Web sites of National Councils which are part of UCGIA. They are not responsible and will not be held liable for the content, representations, or any claims arising out of the materials contained on this Web site.
All content published on each page of this web site, including live cybercast and archives, are provided as a service by independant content publishers. Independant content publishers are solely responsible for all content contained within these web page. Publishers gratefully utilize the free services provided by Churches of God Cyber Auxiliary.